When God is in the Classroom

I’ve heard it said in various ways, “They have taken God out of the classroom.” I’ve even been asked, “How can you work in a public school when you can’t share your faith with the kids?” I’ve watched teachers walk away from public education with great frustration because of politics, evaluation systems, state standards, pay, and lack of support.

If I am being honest, there are days in which I ask, “Why am I still here?”

Yet, every time I ask myself that question, I hear a soft whisper in my soul… “Because I am here.”

God is in your classroom.

From the depths of my soul, I believe that God has never, can never, and will never be removed from the classroom–even a public school classroom.  One, He is bigger than that. Besides the fact that He is omnipresent , He is the “indwelling spirit” that fills you completely.  If you are in the classroom, He is there too. And that is why we stay when it is ridiculously tough. The kids that God brings into our classrooms need us– they need Him.

You are His Hands and Feet

The greatest among you will be your servant.” Matthew 23:11

Don’t think of your inability to freely talk about Jesus as a hindrance; rather, think of it as an opportunity to let every action be seasoned with the love and service of Christ. Jesus was the greatest servant of all time. Let the image of Jesus kneeling down to wash his disciples feet fill your mind for a second.  Creator God washed creations’ feet. Dirty, dusty, yucky feet. God humbled himself and served others throughout His entire time on the earth: feeding, healing, encouraging, and raising the dead. As a follower of Christ, He asks us to serve one another humbly in love–to be his hands and feet in the world.

How many shoes have you tied? How many messes have you bent down to help clean? How many kids have you leaned down to hug? How many tears have you wiped away? How many words of encouragement have you spoken? How many hours of your free time have you given up for your kids? Every day, you give all you have for the kids–all for their greater good. When you humble yourself and serve your children–you are being the hands of feet of Jesus in the classroom. And teacher, you do it ALL the time every day.

When you serve and love your students–God is in your classroom.

He is in the actions of your hands. He is in the actions of your feet. You are His hands and feet in the classroom.

That is why you stay.

Jesus Really Loves Children

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

We may not always think highly of the children in our classroom, but Jesus certainly does. He loves them. Deeply. And God help us to think of them highly too. Because when we think highly of them, loving them becomes second nature. When we love our students, we are loving them with the love of God.

Love looks different in every moment, but it is love all the same. Love looks like you responding in patience. Love looks like you expressing  joy that your students showed up to school. Love looks like treating the kids with kindness when they deserve your wrath. Love looks like discipline all because you have high expectations for your kids–you believe in them. What?! What would your classroom look like without love!? Your students need your love–they need the One through which your love comes.

When you love your kids, God is in your classroom.

That is why you stay.


May you know that you are not alone; you are partnered with God. Your loving actions, however small they might seem to you, make a difference in the lives of children. The things you do for your students that are as natural and thoughtless as breathing, move the heart of God. Loving and serving people is second nature to you–you are a teacher. Daily, you lay down your life for your students. You are needed. You carry the presence of God. Every day, you humble yourself. You kneel down and serve your students. Your servant-heart does not go unnoticed by the greatest servant of all. He is proud of you. He is with you. He is in your classroom. 

357 Comments Add yours

  1. mimionlife says:

    Beautiful! I was a preschool teacher and substitute elementary school teacher. Even if I couldn’t share about my faith, I know the children were shown love and grace through my words and actions.


    1. mrsackley says:

      That’s what it’s all about! Praise God for you!


    2. Priscilla says:

      Amen!! Thanks for the encouraging reminder as we begin a new school year!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Carole Maynard Gilbert says:

      What a wonderful testimony. Giving God all the glory.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. guatmama says:

    Amen!!! Teaching is a calling!! I had cancer and a stem cell transplant and can no longer teach due to meds. I miss it like I would miss breathing!!!


    1. mrsackley says:

      Praise God for you and your faithfulness to Him!


    2. Mrs.Tortosa says:

      GOD answered my prayers through this reminder! Thank you! God Bless!


  3. Molly says:

    Well-written and beautifully said. Also true. Thank you for all you do.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for your kind words! Thank YOU for all that you do.


  4. Al N Davis says:

    When the light of Him, who is the light of the world, shines in us, it is the brightest light in the room.


    1. Cedrick Jones says:

      Very Encouraging Article


      1. mrsackley says:

        I’m glad that God used it to speak to your heart.


  5. Grandma says:

    So true…teachers stay because they care about the kiddos, the love and caring they not only give…..but also receive from the job..the Kiddos!!! God is always with us.


  6. Mary Koenig says:

    This is a tremendous comfort to me. I never realized that God was in our schools whether the politicians wanted Him there or not. Many caring , loving compassionate teachers have guided and helped children , and have made the difference for good in their lives. Thank God for them all!


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for sharing!


  7. Lisa Dickinson says:

    Beautifully said!! This is why I stay….we are HIS hands and feet.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Mic says:

        Yes, Thank you. I needed this encouragement. So much has changed in the schools, but God goes with us wherever we go, and we are his hands and feet, loving on each one of these children for him.


      2. mrsackley says:

        I’m so glad that Jesus used these words to encourage your heart.


  8. Jackie Minor says:

    Mrs. Ackley,
    Thank you for writing this! I have been saying this for YEARS! I have been in public ed for over 30 years and now more than ever Christian educators must let HIS light shine! I have just started a new ministry called “Victorious Educator”. Would love to have you check out the facebook page and website. victoriouseducator.com

    If possible, I will post this to the page! Blessings for a great year!



    1. mrsackley says:

      That’s awesome!!! I will definitely check out your Facebook page, and you are more than welcome to repost.


  9. Hershel (Dwayne) Eacret says:

    Facebook is removing your article claiming it is spam!


    1. Karen Krusing says:

      Nope! It’s still here. 💞


  10. Elizabeth Hoes says:

    Thank you so much for writing this. Our children need christian teachers. I used to pray that my son would have a christian teacher for the next school year. You may be the only one that some child will be around who has the love of Jesus in your heart.God bless you, lead and guide you.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you so much for the encouragement and sharing your heart!


  11. Rebecca says:

    Thank you. I needed to hear that today as we begin a new school year. I appreciate so much that I have praying parents and grandparents and spouse but it makes me hurt that many of my students don’t have anyone praying for them. I can be that prayer warrior.


    1. mrsackley says:

      You are so right! Thanks for sharing.


  12. Carol Miles says:

    Powerful message to all of you still in your chosen passion!! I love the thought that sometimes God doesn’t change your circumstances…He changes you…! May this be one of the best years. God bless you all!!


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for your wisdom! May the Lord bless you as well.


  13. hannah says:

    So, let me get this straight… You yearn for a PUBLIC school system that allows educators to teach and share their Christian ideals completely unwarranted, whether the childrens’ parents and/or children want it or not. So, if a teacher was Muslim, would you still fight for this cause if they wanted to share the teachings of the Quran with their students? If a public school teacher was Jewish, would you be alright with them reciting the Torah and lighting candles on the Sabbath? If a public school teacher was Buddhist, would you be alright with them teaching the tradition and sacredness of Mandalic meditation? Your demands in this article are close-minded and do not take into account the fact that there are other religions and beliefs besides those associated with Christianity. Religion has absolutely no business being engrained in public school education – that is what private schools are. Please keep in mind that everyone doesn’t want to be Christian and trying to carry out your Christian-centric agenda upon young, impressionable minds in a public school setting is, frankly, sick.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Hey Hannah! I totally agree that pushing any religion on anyone is not okay— especially children. This blog talks about a non-verbal way of loving and serving kids with the unconditional, servant-minded, patient, extravagant love in which God has first loved us. I absolutely respect you if you do not agree/believe similarly. May you be blessed abundantly by my Lord, my friend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


  14. Mimi says:

    Loved this article… very well put. Thank God for Christian teachers!!!


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for your kind words. 🙂


  15. This was a great read for me today. I have a new classroom this year in special education because God brought me too it. I’ve been crazy anxious about it because of the lesson planning and new paper work. But I really need to remember that it’s really not about all of that. God will help me with the details when it comes to that. I just need to be aware of His leading during the day and love the children to the best of my ability and pray that Jesus’ light will shine through me. Thank you for writing this.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for loving kids with the love of God! 🙂 May you have a blessed year.


      1. Lynn says:

        Thank you for this excellent reminder.


      2. mrsackley says:

        My privilege!


  16. Reblogged this on The Heiress Diaries and commented:
    Coming into the classroom for the first time ever this year, I needed to read this. It encouraged me and blessed me so much & calmed some of the anxiety I’ve been feeling. What a great GOD we serve! Hallelujah! ❤️


    1. mrsackley says:

      I’m so glad God used it to encourage you! May you have a blessed school year.


  17. Sydney S. says:

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I recently went and saw the movie ” Won’t You Be My Neighbor” and this is what Mr. Rogers was doing for children without actually preaching the name of Jesus.


  18. Shelly says:

    Amen. It’s a calling and it’s my passion to serve and build relationships with all of my students not just for one year but for life!!


    1. mrsackley says:

      That’s awesome! It’s all about building relationships.


  19. Kay says:

    Amazing article from the heart of our Lord. You serve a greater purpose than you know.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for your kind words!


  20. Janet says:

    Thank you so much for your blog. It was much needed food for my soul. I’m starting my 27 year as a public school teacher in a large urban district that brings many, many challenges. Last year was my most trying year ever as a teacher for many reasons and never had I felt so alone and worthless in my profession. Your points have hit a mark I desperately needed to be reminded of and will serve to bolster me in the challenging moments ahead as I prepare to embark on a new year. God Bless You.


    1. mrsackley says:

      I’m so thankful to hear that God used these words to encourage and strengthen you. He loves you so much. Thank you for all that you do!


  21. JINETT says:

    Dear Mrs. Ackley,
    Thank you for your words of wisdom! Yes 28 years of teaching has been my passion and calling all to His glory! Building Kingdom connections and relationships for a successful future!


    1. mrsackley says:

      Jinett, thank you so much for your encouragement and kindness. I could not agree more.


  22. Thuy Myers says:

    Ms. Ackley,

    I stumbled upon your post on Facebook right around the new 2018-2019 school year. This inspiration was exactly what I needed to begin the new year. I am part of an international key women educator, Delta Kappa Gamma. We had our Induction night this past Tuesday and I shared your inspirational words to my fellow teacher sisters. I had multiple compliments and have since shared. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for sharing with me! I’m in awe of how God has used this post to encourage teachers. He is good.


  23. Keila Olmeda says:

    Amen! We are his instruments.


    1. mrsackley says:

      I could not agree more!


  24. Troy Miley says:

    God created the family unit to be an earthly reflection of God’s heavenly family. That’s God’s reason you are a teacher, under the infilling of HIS love and Spirit, are in the classroom of LIFE through His Son Jesus Christ…..


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you! Have a blessed day!


  25. Jen says:

    I am a Preschool teacher. Last year we did a painting project with the kids’ feet, and then we washed their feet in a container of warm soapy water and dried them. Even though the original intent of the project was not teaching them about God, washing their feet made every one of them giggle and talk about how good it felt, and I was reminded of the washing of feet and other acts of servitude in the Bible. The year before that, a student came to class regularly singing church hymns he’d sung at church the weekend before and it lit up the other kids interest and singing. God is there in SO many ways. Love love LOVE this


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for sharing! I am inspired by your story.


  26. Cheryl Allen says:

    Thank you for this gentle reminder of who I am as a Christian and a teacher. I may not be able to share my faith but I can walk the walk in front of my students. I teach teenagers who are very impressionable and look to adults as their role models. I pray daily that I can be a light in their dark world. Thank you again.


    1. mrsackley says:

      You are the light of the world!


  27. Larry says:

    Loved reading this. I have watched in wonder the work of members of a church who come to our school to help kids. A few years ago they told us we were the first school to let them come in after school to help tutor needy kids. They help with homework, plays, soccer, you name it. We are a public school yet most people don’t realize these helpers are from a church. They just come and serve.
    God is there. He’s one of the few that knows why they do it. They serve, but do it quietly and humbly. I think it’s fascinating.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Wow! I am so blessed by your words. Thank you for sharing.


  28. Barbara says:

    So true I see so much love in my granddaughter for those little people she has such a sweet heart and Gods

    love I know Sweet Jesus is in her classroom .Put him back in our schools!!!!!!


    1. mrsackley says:

      Please thank your granddaughter for her service.


  29. Nichole W. says:

    💗 This is so well-written!!! Thank you for thoughtfully sharing what’s been my work of heart. One day I wanted to be done with teaching because I felt they (the state) was stifling my writing lessons by saying I needed to teach to the test. Tears welled up in my eyes and I asked God for a sign, something to show me I am where I needed to be. In our Social Studies lesson that day we were talking about our amazing earth and all the resources we were given…” Given by who?” someone asked… Another student spoke up and said, “God, of course.” Then someone said, “ Who made God?” And I just smiled and said, “He’s ALWAYS been here. He doesn’t even have a birthday.” We all just sat in silence for a moment wrapping our brains around that… I left it right there but knew that God was telling me I wasn’t done, yet! 💗


    1. mrsackley says:

      What a beautiful testimony. Thank you!


  30. Jeannie says:

    Oh this so describes my service as a teacher as I use the teaching gifts I’ve received from God! Sometimes, even in the middle of teaching a lesson, I pause to silently ask Him to help me present content effectively, or even to help me find a better way to teach a concept! I feel His presence in my kindergarten classroom every day. Thank you, Lord!🙏


    1. mrsackley says:

      Yes! Thank you for sharing me and blessing my heart.


  31. gret says:

    Melissa, I’ve never thought of that concept in such a positive way. SHOWING the children what God’s Love is like is at least as good, if not better, than telling them about it. I believe that Kindness and love, empathy and tenderness, are just a few of the things that God wants us to practice daily. A beautiful gift for giver and receiver. Good post, my friend. gret


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for sharing!


  32. Tavious J. Peterkin says:

    This was very well said and an awesome reminder in who God has called us to be. I loved this. Thank you for pouring into us.


    1. mrsackley says:

      I’m thankful to be used by God.


  33. Em says:

    I am thankful that just too know he is always there with his children where ever they Just because the children can’t see us pray for them. God is still there.
    Nobody can keep us from talking to Jesus


    1. mrsackley says:

      That’s right! And prayer is powerful.


  34. Joni Howk says:

    Amen! Very well written! It is the little things and they do not go unnoticed by children!


  35. rubiescorner says:

    I taught 20+ years in the public schools. I tried to get into the Christian schools, but the principal said I wouldn’t understand the children. Stay with the public schools. I did. You never know what the influence you have in the future on your homeroom class. I prayed over the students, and I hope they excelled in their education.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Prayer is powerful! Thanks for sharing and staying.


  36. Warman Hall says:

    A very well-done blog post! I love the concept of ministry by doing. God bless you and your children in the coming school year.


  37. Lisa B says:

    Thank you for this piece. I needed to be reminded that teaching is my calling and it needs to be done with a servant heart.


  38. Angela says:

    Powerful!!! You can’t take him out, you didn’t put Him in. He can’t be taken out because he’s everywhere,; He’s all places at one time. He is all mighty, All powerful God who covers the whole earth and it’s universe. Shalom


    1. mrsackley says:

      What a mighty God we serve!


  39. MM says:

    What?! What is this?
    When was God taken out of the classroom?! God was NEVER in the classroom in America. We clearly have a separation of Church and state, and the state runs the schools.
    If a Muslim is a teacher, is “Allah” in the classroom, or should Muslims not be allowed to be teachers?
    I fully support belief in God and that God is with you and supporting what you do. But if you feel you can’t derive joy and worth from teaching without feeling that you are somehow imposing your faith, then you are in the wrong profession. Go study to be in the clergy and leave education to those who believe in education for the sake of education.


    1. mrsackley says:

      Thank you for sharing your heart. I definitely do not believe that it is the teacher’s place to impose or push their faith upon students. Also, this post was not against the principal of separation of Church and state. Also, I love Muslims and believe that Jesus does too. 🙂 Simply, this blog post was to highlight how loving and serving children represents God within the classroom– how we as Christians can love and serve with the unconditional, beautiful, and never-ending love of Jesus. We serve an infinite, always present God. May the Lord bless you richly. You are loved beyond measure.


  40. Joan says:

    Such beautiful truth. And may I add when a Christian Teacher teaches her students about God’s love and kindness through her actions, she can also teach them to be little Bereans. Christian teachers can teach about the differences between evolution and creation, truth and falsehood, good vs bad, they can help them think outside the proverbial school box that is indoctrinating false teachings. We are God’s scriptures being lived out in our lives and that will help little people to see God each and every day you teach them. Without a christian teacher to guide these students we lose our effect upon impressionable lives that will one day rule the world.


  41. Nadine Faber says:

    Love this article. It is so true…I keep asking God why am I here…I feel like most of the time I do not make a difference. Once in awhile I see a student I worked with years ago, they tell me “thanks for caring and helping me”. We may never know most of the things we do that make a difference. I remember a student who struggled so hard and we did not give up on him, he is a manager with good wages and is very happy. I saw him in a store and he said, “I have to tell you I am sorry for being so mean to you and the other teacher. You guys taught me to not give up and if I work hard I can make it.” He went to college and his employer paid for his education … wonderful young man.


    1. mrsackley says:

      I’m so glad that God used these words to refresh and encourage your heart. May the Lord bless you!


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